Thursday, August 30, 2007

Reckless and Malicious

Reckless and Malicious

There are just too many stories of how the news media wrecks the lives of people to allow this to continue. If a Code of Ethics were put in place, journalists would at least have to think before they jump to conclusions and print lies.


Richard Jewell found dead in home
Olympic security guard suspected but cleared in bombing

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 08/29/07

Richard Jewell, the former security guard once suspected of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing — then cleared — died at his home Wednesday morning in Woodbury.

For the past three years, Jewell, 44, worked as a deputy sheriff for the Meriwether County Sheriff's department, said Sheriff Steve Whitlock. He said Jewell had been out on medical leave.
Richard Jewell

Meriwether County coroner Johnny Worley said Jewell's wife, Dana, discovered him unconscious at about 10:30 a.m. Worley said an autopsy would be performed by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to determine how Jewell died, but there was "no suspicion of foul play.

"He had been having some pretty serious medical problems," Worley said.

He said Jewell had been diagnosed with diabetes in February and had a couple of toes amputated. "He had been going downhill ever since," Worley said.

Whitlock described Jewell as "a good officer. A go-getter."

"You know how they say people live their work. Richard ate and drank his job. He loved it," Whitlock said.

Jewell was initially lauded as a hero after a bomb went off on July 27, 1996, during an Olympic celebration in Atlanta. He called attention to the suspicious knapsack that held a bomb and helped evacuate the area.

Days later, he became the FBI's chief suspect, as The Atlanta Journal Constitution and other media outlets reported. The FBI cleared Jewell of any wrongdoing. He was never charged with a crime.

Eric Robert Rudolph pleaded guilty to the bombing in 2005 and is serving life in prison for it and other attacks.

After he was cleared, Jewell sued the AJC and other media outlets for libel, arguing that their reports defamed him. Several news organizations settled, including NBC and CNN.

The Journal-Constitution did not settle. The newspaper has contended that at the time it published its reports Jewell was a suspect, so the articles were accurate. The newspaper also has asserted that it was not reckless or malicious in its reports regarding Jewell. Much of Jewell's case was dismissed last year. One claim, based on reports about a 911 call, is pending trial.

However, Jewell's death Wednesday "is not a day to consider lawsuits, rather a day to pay respect," said John Mellott, AJC publisher.

"Richard Jewell was a hero, as we all came to learn," Mellott said. "The story of how Mr. Jewell moved from a suspect in the Centennial Park bombing to recognition as a security guard who averted a greater tragedy is one The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has reported fully even as it defended itself in a libel suit brought by him."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Media Crackdown

Media Crackdown

At first glance this might appear to be a great tragedy because a basic Constitution Right of Freedom of the Press is being violate, but the real tragedy is that the news media deserves the crackdown.

All good things can be perverted, and the news media has perverted Freedom of the Press. It is good for the news media to expose corruption in government (or anywhere) but somewhere the news media adopted the idea that the purpose of the news media was to topple any government they do not like.

The news media has worked feverishly since 2004 to topple the Bush administration because Bush was elected as a Christian (homosexual marriage issue) and because Bush was fighting the Iraq war. Every person in the Bush Administration has been attacked by the news media.

Dan Rather used false documents to discredit President Bush and the News York Times committed treason to try to topple the Bush Administration. Other examples are discussed at

The Cultural War statement explains what is occurring.

There is a Cultural War in America between Christians and Atheists. This war is being fought on the battlefield of politics. The battles are in the voting booth. The prize in the cultural war is the hearts, minds and souls of the children. The Atheistic liberal news media greatly influences both domestic and foreign policy by constantly reporting only bad news about Christians, conservatives and Republicans and only good news about atheists, liberals and democrats. The agenda of the Atheistic liberal news media is to promote extreme environmentalism, socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion, homosexuality and the Atheistic Lifestyle by having democrats in control of government.


From the Staff
For the story behind the story...
Thursday, Aug. 16, 2007 11:32 a.m. EDT

China Begins Media Crackdown

China has launched a broad crackdown on the nation's press, targeting what it calls false news reports and illegal publications as the Communist Party prepares for its October congress.

China is suffering from a spate of bad press reports abroad and at home over the safety of a number of Chinese products, including toys, toothpaste, tires and pet food. But the crackdown announced Wednesday ostensibly comes in response to two recent scandals, the Los Angeles Times reports.

In one case, a correspondent for Beijing Television reported that the makers of steamed pork buns were stuffing them with cardboard soaked in caustic soda. The government ruled that the story was concocted and sentenced the reporter to a year in jail.

In the second case, a journalist was beaten to death by thugs apparently while reporting about an illegal coal mine. Owners of illegal mines frequently blackmail journalists so that reports about their unlicensed operations don't get published, according to the Times.

Government officials "need to control the society to be on the safe side and avoid anything that might spoil the happy atmosphere of their meeting, Jin Zhong, chief editor of the Hong Kong-based Open magazine, told the Times.

"They don't like diverse opinions because they don't understand that debate is good for society."

According to the People's Daily, the crackdown will also take aim at illegal publications, including those that "fabricate political rumors."

The China Development Brief newsletter was shut down in July by the government, which claimed it was conducting "illegal surveys."

Chinese censors have listed 20 topics that are off limits to journalists before the October congress, including judicial corruption, individual rights campaigns, lifestyles of the rich, and extramarital affairs.

© NewsMax 2007. All rights reserved.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Viewsweek Magazine

Viewsweek Magazine

Too many times the news media publishes views and news. Maybe they should rename it Viewsweek.


From the Staff
For the story behind the story...
Monday, Aug. 13, 2007 11:28 a.m. EDT

Newsweek Editor: Our Warming Story Contrived

A contributing editor at Newsweek magazine, Robert J. Samuelson, has sharply criticized his own publication for what he calls a "highly contrived" cover story about the global warming threat and the "denial machine" that seeks to debunk it.

In this week's issue of Newsweek, Samuelson writes: "As we debate it, journalists should resist the temptation to portray global warming as a morality tale – as Newsweek did – in which anyone who questions its gravity or proposed solutions may be ridiculed as a fool, a crank or an industry stooge."

He also writes: "Unfortunately, self-righteous indignation can undermine good journalism. Last week's Newsweek cover story on global warming is a sobering reminder. It's an object lesson of how viewing the world as ‘good guys vs. bad guys' can lead to a vast oversimplification of a messy story."

Samuelson summarizes the Newsweek cover story this way: "A well-coordinated, well-funded campaign by contrarian scientists, free-market think tanks and industry has created a paralyzing fog of doubt around climate chance. This ‘denial machine' has obstructed action against global warming ... The story's thrust: discredit the ‘denial machine,' and the country can start the serious business of fighting global warming."

He called the cover article "a peripheral and highly contrived story." For one thing, it implied that ExxonMobil, through a think tank, funded academics to criticize global warming science. But this charge "was long ago discredited, and Newsweek shouldn't have lent it respectability," Samuelson opined.

Marc Morano, communications director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, also slammed the Newsweek cover story, as reported last week.

Following the publication of Samuelson's piece, he noted:

"Newsweek's management must have realized that their global warming ‘denial' cover story was so woeful that they were forced to run a complete rebuttal in the very next issue from one of their very own editors ... This kind of reversal does not happen very often in journalism."

Morano said a Senate report is scheduled to be released in the fall that will feature hundreds of scientists "who have spoken out recently against [Al] Gore, the U.N., and the media-driven climate ‘consensus.'"

© NewsMax 2007. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 10, 2007

US public sees news media as biased, inaccurate, uncaring

Another indication of the need for a code of ethic for journalists.


US public sees news media as biased, inaccurate, uncaring: poll
Aug 9 06:28 PM US/Eastern

More than half of Americans say US news organizations are politically biased, inaccurate, and don't care about the people they report on, a poll published Thursday showed.

And poll respondents who use the Internet as their main source of news -- roughly one quarter of all Americans -- were even harsher with their criticism, the poll conducted by the Pew Research Center said.

More than two-thirds of the Internet users said they felt that news organizations don't care about the people they report on; 59 percent said their reporting was inaccurate; and 64 percent they were politically biased.

More than half -- 53 percent -- of Internet users also faulted the news organizations for "failing to stand up for America".

Among those who get their news from newspapers and television, criticism of the news organizations was up to 20 percentage points lower than among Internet news audiences, who tend to be younger and better educated than the public as a whole, according to Pew.

The poll indicates an across the board fall in the public's opinion on the news media since 1985, when a similar survey was conducted by Times Mirror, Pew Research said.

"Two decades ago, public attitudes about how news organizations do their job were less negative. Most people believed that news organizations stood up for America... a majority believed that news organizations got the facts straight," Pew said in a report.

The Washington-based Pew Research Center describes itself as a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.