Sunday, April 1, 2007

Statement of Problem

The years from 2001 to 2006 have produced the most compelling reason for a change in journalism in particular and the communications industry in general.

On 9/11/01 America was attacked by Islamic Terrorists and America went to war (??) in Iraq and Afghanistan. The war was almost unanimously approved by congress. The initial success in Afghanistan and Iraq were quick and very popular. After no Weapons of Mass Destruction were found in Iraq the mood of the news media began to change. The democratic party ran the 2004 presidential election based on the concept that John Jerry and the democrats could run the Iraq War better than President Bush. The democrats lost the 2004 election not only on the Iraq War issue, but mostly on the moral issues of homosexuality.

Two significant domestic events during the 2001-2006 time frame were the Enron Failure and the Katrina Hurricane.

From 2004 to 2006 there was an explosion of news stories criticizing every aspect of the Iraq War and every aspect of the Republican party domestic policy. The news stories were always along the lines that some else could have done better. The democrats picked up on the concept being portrayed by the news media and were successful at wining the 2006 congressional election based on a need for a change. The democrats were elected on a change that had not been defined.

Some will say the 2006 election was all about the Iraq War and Republican Incompetence but I believe a great part of the 2006 election was the Cultural War in America. The 2004 election was more about Moral Values than the Iraq War. The Atheistic Liberal News Media and democrats won the 2006 election by making the Iraq War the central issue and avoiding the Moral Values issue.

This would imply that the news media controls elections more than the democrats or Republicans. I also believe the news and entertainment industry controls or influences the morality of America.

I roll all this together as the Cultural War in America.

Cultural War

There is a cultural war in America between Christians and Atheists. This war is being fought on the battlefield of politics. The battles are in the voting booth. The prize in the cultural war is the hearts, minds and souls of the children. The Atheistic liberal news media greatly influences both domestic and foreign policy by constantly reporting only bad news about Christians, conservatives and Republicans and only good news about atheists, liberals and democrats. The agenda of the Atheistic liberal news media is to promote environmentalism, socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion, homosexuality and the Atheistic lifestyle by having democrats in control of government.

The following are the propaganda tools used by the ALNM to wage war.

1) The liberal news media greatly influences both domestic and foreign policy by constantly reporting only bad news about Christians, conservatives and Republicans and only good news about atheists, liberals and democrats.

2) The liberal news media sweeps issues under the carpet during democratic administrations and pulls the carpet under Republican administrations.

3) During Republican administrations the liberal news media keeps up a constant barrage of negative news stories of how not enough is being done or it isn't being done right. With Republicans the liberal news media are pessimists and with democrats the liberal news media are optimists.

4) During Republican administrations the liberal news media consistent plays the race card, the wealth card, the underprivileged card, the homosexual card, the education card and the health care card. All of these are issues that no one has a solution for, but which are used as negative reporting during Republican administrations.

5) If the liberal news media can find a few people who disagree with a Republican, then the Republican is wrong, but if the liberal news media can find a few people who agree with a democrat, then the democrat is right.

6) The liberal news media presents only those who support their position and avoids those who disagree with the liberal news media.

7) If any person who disagrees with the liberal news media is presented, this is immediately followed by a, "but, other sources say" and three people are presented to prove the original person was wrong or it is implied that there is a 50/50 split on the issue, when in reality it is an 90/10 split.

8) One of the most disgusting propaganda tricks used by the liberal news media is to use unnamed sources. The story is never better than the source and the source needs to cross-examined.

9) Any news story presented more than three times, without significant new information being provided, is propaganda.

10) The liberal news media discredits an information source who is a Christian, Conservative, or Republican by giving equal credence to two statements when it is obvious one statement is from a highly unreliable source and the other statement is from a very reliable source

11) The liberal news media always treats atheists, liberals and democrats with great respect and treats Christians, conservatives and Republicans with contempt.

12) The ALNM takes polls on every issue, but will only publish a poll when the poll supports their propaganda.

This liberal news media bias is intended to keep the democrats in control of the government because the government is the god of the atheists, liberals and homosexuals.

The liberal news media must destroy the God of the Christians in order for the government to continue to be their god.

The Religion of Atheism

The fastest growing religion in America is Atheism.

The basic belief system of Atheism is that man does not need God because man can resolve all problems and explain all physical phenomena without the Biblical explanation of God.

The Atheist depends on the government for security, the judicial system for the definition of good and evil, science for the explanation of the world, and medial science for eternal life.

The preachers of Atheism are the network news anchors of CBS, NBC and ABC who follow the leadership of The New York Times. The Atheistic Liberal News and Entertainment Industry uses network television shows to prove the viability of the Atheistic Lifestyle and to attack the Christian Lifestyle.

The basic principles of faith of the Atheistic Religion are socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion and homosexuality. There is a cultural war in America between Christians and Atheists. This war is being fought on the battlefield of politics. The battles are in the voting booth. The prize in the cultural war is the hearts, minds and souls of the children. The Atheistic liberal news media greatly influences both domestic and foreign policy by constantly reporting only bad news about Christians, conservatives and Republicans and only good news about atheists, liberals and democrats. The agenda of the Atheistic liberal news media is to promote environmentalism, socialism, feminism, pornography, abortion, homosexuality and the Atheistic lifestyle by having democrats in control of government.

Republicans have yet to prove to me that they really support Christian principles, but democrats have proven they do "not" support Christian principles.

The government funds programs that encourage the Atheistic Lifestyle. So long as Evolution is taught in the public schools, the government is funding and supporting the Atheistic Religion.

I will discuss many events, but I will not even attempt at absolute accuracy. I will stated my opinion and then as Woodward and Burstein stated, "run it up the flag pole and see who salutes." An awful lot of what the news media presents is opinion. Surly they call it summarizing the news or news analysis, but it fact it is just their opinion.

The news media has never been an honorable profession, but with President Nixon the news media turned ugly. Kennedy became their model for all presidents and began an ugly war on Republicans and Christians.

An old saying is, "The blackest lie is 10% pure truth." However, the 10% truth does not justify the black lie. America is being fed too many black lies because the Atheistic Liberal News Media has an Agenda.

Origin of Problem

The news media power has always been recognized. Freedom of the press was intended to mean all had access to the press, but it has not worked that way. The news media has been used and has abused its power ever since America was formed. The news media has been abused because the news media can sway the vote of people and that is power.

Although abused, the news media did not really become powerful until the Roosevelt Administration when a propaganda organization was formed to shape America opinion to support WW II. The tools and tactics of news propaganda were developed and perfected by this organization. Those tools are now being used to shape American opinion.

It is no wonder that New York City is the hub of the news media control because that is where the tools and tactics of news propaganda were developed. Television was a perfect medium for propaganda. It is no wonder that the news media supports the democrats and liberal policies since they came into existence under Roosevelt the democrat and the socialistic policies of the Roosevelt administration.

There is an old saying that a person should "Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way". Democrats and the Atheistic Liberal News Media do none of these. But rather the democrats and ALNM have perfected the fine art of criticism. This is the process of building yourself up by tearing others down.

A real question is whether the democrats control the news media or the news media controls the democrats.

The Lying Messengers (criticism/half truth)

The key tools of the news media are criticism and half truths. During the 2001-2006 time period, many (Dan Rather in particular) were caught in absolute lies, but most of the evil was done as criticism and half truths. The purpose of this was to build up democrats and the news media by tearing down President Bush and the Republicans.

An example of a half truth is an old statement, "Democracy is a bad form of government, but it is better than all the rest". A half truth would be to report that "Democracy is a bad for of government". Without a comparison, perfection is required for everything, thus forming a bases for criticism. There has been little about the news media that has been perfect.

Evic Severaide once said, "The problem with youth is that they look at the present and say it is bad without the understanding of how much it has improved or any knowledge of how to cause further improvement".

When confronted with examples of news media abuse, the news media always falls back on the question, "Doesn't someone need to report on what the government is doing?" That question has the obvious answer of Yes, but what if the messenger is lying. The concept of the reporter or messenger is that they faithfully tell to someone else what was told to them. The contention of this book is that the news media biases the news by selective telling half truths.

When criticized, the news media uses the excuse, "Don't blame us for the bad news, don't kill the messenger because the message is not good news." Every day good things and bad things happen. If you only report the good things when democrats are in office and only bad things when Republicans are in office then you have presented a half truth. If it is implied that someone else could have done a better job without supporting proof, it is a half truth.

When criticized the news media like to talk about investigative reporting and express the need for investigative reporting. Investigative reporting is needed, but only if both the democrats and Republicans are investigated. When Republicans are in office, the news media does an excellent job, but when democrats are in office the policy is, "don't ask, don't tell".

My answer is simple. The news media has a responsibility to "prove" they are unbiased. If they fail to prove they are unbiased by penalizing those who fail to follow a Code of Ethics for the news media, then it would be better to start every news show with a statement, "Caution the following presentation is our opinion on the days events and the material presented is intended to support our opinion thus is not necessarily the whole truth".

At present the news is little more than malicious gossip.

Some in the news media are going to say they are not Atheists and do not advocate Atheism, but I would say they need to support a Code of Ethics that allows the Atheists to be removed from the news media because the news reporting clearly shows a bias against the Christian religion. I believe President Bush was attacked by the news media more for the fact that he is a Christian, than the fact that he was in charge of the Iraq War. The 2004 election scared the news media because they did not control the election and it appeared that the Christian influence would control future elections. The day after the 2004 election the Atheistic Liberal News Media declared war on President Bush.

Some would say it is impossible to control the news, but why would a reporter write a favorable Iraq War story, when it is common knowledge that the news media outlets are only paying for bad Iraq War news stories. Why waste time going out and showing a new school, when you can pay a doctor at an Iraq hospital to call you when casualties come in so that you can rush to the bomb site and get a lot of bloody pictures that the news media outlets will pay big bucks for.

Who is or should be the watch dog for the news media? Some would say the news media monitors itself, but that is a joke. The only thing that ever works is an independent review.

Impact of Problem

I believe Democracy, Christianity and Capitalism is necessary for the survival of America. Democracy allows choice, Christianity defines the proper choice and Capitalism takes care of those who do not make the proper choice.

An essential element of Democracy is an informed public. By biasing the news, the ALNM is destroying Democracy.

The news media supports Socialism and Atheism. Because of the support of Atheism, the ALNM must destroy Christianity. Because of the support of Socialism, the ALNM must destroy Capitalism.

I believe people are very aware that the news media is dishonest. They also see that the news media gets away with dishonesty. I believe America has gotten to the point where dishonesty is the norm instead of the exception. This is where Christian principles should have been important, but the news media would rather go to hell than admit there is value to Christian principles. There is a great need for the news media to be punished for dishonest behavior. To truly qualify for the protection of "freedom of the press" the news media needs to be squeaky clean instead of tarnished as they are now.

The ultimate solution to dishonesty is Christian principles. The news media will not allow this to occur so long as they can continue with their criticism and half truths.

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